Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Highways of Perfection

The following is also posted on and was the result of my ride home this evening:

So I was driving home tonight from the Beis Hatzelamim, ( Brooklyn not YU). I am on the Southern State Parkway and I look into my mirror. What I saw behind me struck me although its nothing I haven't seen before. It was a long line of headlights stretching as far as I could see.Then I looked at the other lane, the Westbound lanes and it was the same thing. Then I looked at my GPS and saw the long expanse of highway.

These cars seemed to go on forever , until you look at the Highway itself which is so much bigger. The great thing about the GPS is you can literally "zoom" out and when I got home just now that's what I did. First all of Long Island appears then New York and New Jersey, then the East Coast then the entire Country . As much as these cars seemed to go on forever, the highway was bigger. As long as the Highway seemed to be the State was bigger as expansive as the State is it pales in comparison to the Continent, the Planet and the Universe. Think about it! That is insane. And every part of this huge universe is governed by law from me sitting in my car at 80 mph to the Planets revolving at their speeds and everything in between.

In short: Wow.

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