משוך חסדך, ליודעיך; וצדקתך, לישרי לב
In Matt's comment on the last post he quoted the following Midrash from Kallah Rabbasi :
Every day a malach goes out before the Kadosh Baruch Hu to destroy the world, but once the Kadosh Baruch Hu gazes upon the tinokos shel beis rabban and the talmidei chachamim, immediately His anger turns to mercy.
Matt also pointed to the gemara in Shabbos 119b which says: "The world is only sustained by the breath of the tinokos shel beis rabban."
What does these two Midrashim mean? What is the benefit of the Tinokos shel Beis Rabban that we can say that the world is saved because of them?
This idea is brought down by the Rambam in the second chapter of the laws of Talmud Torah ( first halacha):
א מושיבין מלמדי תינוקות בכל מדינה ומדינה, ובכל פלך ופלך. וכל עיר שאין בה תינוקות של בית רבן--מחרימין את אנשי העיר, עד שמושיבין מלמד תינוקות; ואם לא הושיבו, מחריבין את העיר: שאין העולם מתקיים, אלא בהבל פיהם של תינוקות של בית רבן.
" You establish childhood educators in each and every province and each and every town. Any city that does not have an educator for its children- the men of the city are placed in excommunication until they sit an educator for the children. If they do not seat an educator, you destroy the city, because the world is only sustained through the breath of the mouths of the children in the study house"
Again, we see that the " world is only sustained through the breath of the children in the house of study". The Rambam is quite clear that every city must have an educator for its children or risk excommunication or loss of the city. What is the importance of this?
I find it interesting that the midrash states that the Kadosh Baruch Hu gazes at the children and the Talmidei Chachamim and his " anger" is assuaged. In the other two formulations I have presented only the children are emphasized. I think this is a hint.
The world is only sustained through the breath of the children in the study house. I believe that this is refering to the Mesorah of yedias Hashem. In other words the world is only sustained if there is a system of training humanity to be knowers of G'. Humanity as a species has a goal of recognizing and " knowing" G' , Am Israel is tasked with being humanities teachers. If Am Israel does not create and maintain a system of education in this concept then Humanity will not live in line with its purpose. As such the world will not be sustainable since it's purpose is no longer fulfilled ( that is, it will fall within another realm of law since it has failed to foster Yedia { " Hashem's Anger"}). This is why the Rambam includes the law that a city that does not seat an educator is excommunicated and then risks destruction. It has failed to perform its most important goal as a city which is to be a tool of perpetuating Yedias Hashem and when it has relinquished this priority it has relinquished its hold on existance.
Why then is there a slight difference between the aggadita in Shabbos ( as quoted also by the Rambam) which states that only the breath of the children sustains the world, and the midrash in Kallah Rabasi which mentions the image of Tinnokos and Talmidei Chachamim "assuaging" the Kadosh Baruch Hu? These two phrases are in reality two expressions of one idea. Talmidei Chachamim are the active and current teachers of humanity, they are the ones with the greatest understanding and those who are most capable of spreading Yedia. Children in the house of study are not yet active tools of yedia, rather they are the material from which Yodei Hashem are formed. In other words the "sight" of Talmidei chachamim and Tinokos is really the expression that Humanity as a SPECIES is engaged in the recognition of G' and not merely as a generational occupation. The inclusion of both Talmidei Chachamim and Tinokos, demonstrates that humanity is engaged perpetually in the process of Yediah. Both generations point to our essential purpose. The world is only sustained through the Human species' recognition of Yedias Hashem, and this can only be accomplished through being maishiv melamdei Tinokos and fostering the " Hevel Pihem shel Tinokos shel Beis Rabban"
I wanted to take this opportunity with this idea on my lips, to be personally Meshabeach the Kadosh Baruch Hu for a great blessing he has bestowed on me,the birth of my niece,Meora Lila, the first of her generation. May it be his will that she grow into a woman of valor , one with yedias Hashem, a true expression of the verse in Micah 6
"ח הִגִּיד לְךָ אָדָם, מַה-טּוֹב; וּמָה-יְהוָה דּוֹרֵשׁ מִמְּךָ, כִּי אִם-עֲשׂוֹת מִשְׁפָּט וְאַהֲבַת חֶסֶד, וְהַצְנֵעַ לֶכֶת, עִם-אֱלֹ-ֶךָ.
It hath been told thee, O man, what is good, and what the LORD doth require of thee: only to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk modestly with thy G.
Forgiveness from God
8 years ago
Great post! I liked your pshat, and your nesinas shevach ve'hodayah at the end. Very apropos.
I didn't get a chance to think into this myself as of yet. However, I noticed two things when reading your post: (1) the purpose of davar katan is yishuv ha'daas and yishuv olam ha'zeh kdei linchol chayei olam ha'ba; (2) nidui is social isolation from the tzibur (see Hilchos TT 7:4) and cherem is extends this isolation to the talmud Torah and the yishuv of the tzibur as well; (3) a city that refuses to set up a melameid tinokos gets put in cherem, and if they continue to refuse, then we literally destroy their yishuv. I'll leave it to you to connect the dots, which you've pretty much already done in your post.
Again thanks for the compliment, im glad you enjoyed and thanks for pushing me to think about it.
I think your last point was sheer brilliance something that I was not clear about yet. thanks!
Great post, Jake!
In terms of what view of themselves they don't have, it seems they've forgotten their identity as species. But what psychic view of themselves DO they have which precludes the identity as species?
I'll think about it also, but I'm curious what you'd say.
Thats a good question Jonny!
I must think into it a little
Loved the post!
One question How would you define the term "Olam"?
Rabbi Sacks,
That is something I have to define better ...
Olam seems to the kind of thing that can rest on the shoulders of giants-namely Avraham Ha-Ivri. Is that in the species of material things?
ח והחכמים שהיו בהן כגון הכומרין וכיוצא בהן, מדמין שאין שם אלוה אלא הכוכבים והגלגלים שנעשו הצורות האלו בגללן ולדמותן. אבל צור העולמים, לא היה שם מכירו ולא יודעו, אלא יחידים בעולם, כגון חנוך ומתושלח ונוח ושם ועבר. ועל דרך זו, היה העולם מתגלגל והולך, עד שנולד עמודו של עולם, שהוא אברהם אבינו עליו השלום.
Genus of material things, I should say.
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